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June 06, 2004
College and High School
Yay! My college roommate from many seasons ago, and all-around fucking awesome friend just started up her own blog. You can read it here. She’s constantly going on dates with odd characters and it’s about time she started writing about it. I, personally, think it’s because she now lives in the Midwest, and you know all those people are in-bred. Kidding! I’m kidding! Just a little West Coast snob humor!
Actually, I can’t figure out for the life of me why she hasn’t found someone wonderful. She’s incredibly smart (quadruple major in college), has a real career, is good with money (unlike some of us, ahem), and is incredibly cute! She also knows EVERYTHING about baseball. C’mon—what more could a man want in a girlfriend/potential wife? Potential dates—you may send your resumes via e-mail to ensie(at)cox(dot)net.
And lastly, in case any of you were wondering, I will NOT be attending my 10 year high school reunion (which I received an invite to recently). I finally decided that $100 per person is far too much to spend to see a bunch of people I haven’t thought much about in 10 years who probably haven’t gotten over their old high school bullshit. I’ll just be waiting for the 20 year shindig. Plus, I haven’t conquered the world or lost that extra weight yet. Wow—when I picked up my diploma all those years ago, I never thought I’d be sitting down the road 10 years late thinking, “Too soon! Too Soon!”
Posted by Ensie at June 6, 2004 09:07 AM
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