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May 13, 2004

Actually, It Is True

While reading The Advocate today I came upon something that made me laugh. Especially since I have the original Onion article cut out and hanging on my desk at work.

From The Advocate:

“Members of the London, Canada-based group Simple Truths Our Priority thought they were giving school officials solid evidence that a proposed safe-schools policy was an effort by ‘homosexuals’ to recruit children. A short time later the group also gave them an apology…’Anyone who is dumb enough to have those thoughts in the first place is dumb enough to believe this article,’ said Carol Kolb, Onion editor in chief.”

You can see their “evidence” here. It’s even better with the rainbow graph to show the steady incline of recruits which you can see if you are interested in paying to become a Premium Onion subscriber. Which I highly recommend.

Alternate title for today's entry: Homophobes are dumb.

Posted by Ensie at May 13, 2004 07:01 PM


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