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April 06, 2004

These are the people in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, in your neigh-bor-ho-ood

So proud of Frinklin (aka Mr. Ensie) for getting invited into the inner sanctums of the Mariner blogosphere. He's all about the M's (well, that and various other highly-nerdy activities). Now he has someone (acutally, many someones) to play with on the internet. Yay!

One thing I've been wondering about--how alarmed should I be that my neighbors accross the street put their trash cans out today and all I can see are empty cases of beer overflowing onto the sidewalk? It's only been 6 days since the trash was last picked up! As far as I know just one (apperently alcoholic) divorced woman and her 19 year old daughter live there. I must admit I haven't introduced myself and I'm rather afraid to. Lets give them the benefit of the doubt and say that the 19 year old is not drinking (so likely). Four cases is a hell of a lot of beer to go through. Especially Bud Light. Ew.

I heard through the neighborhood gossip chain that their (really large) house is the result of a civil lawsuit settlement resulting from her ex-husband choking her ("She actually died and came back!") and leaving her for dead. Apparently she recovered, sued the pants off her ex, and decided take up residence on my crazy-ass street.

Other strange neighborhood facts: Our next-door-neighbors (not the dog chopping) ones, are morticians. Their car license plate frames read "Embalmers are God's gift-wrappers".

This neighborhood is turning into some sort of freakshow. If I see the Mystery Machine parked on the corner I'm staying the night at my parent's place.

Posted by Ensie at April 6, 2004 06:47 PM


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