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July 29, 2004

Go Teresa!

This post sparked a serious debate in the Ensie-Frinklin household. I disagree completely with Frinklin's idea that the wives of high level politicos need to "fad[e] back into the shadows."

Why shouldn't Teresa Heinz Kerry get a say? She should know John Kerry better than anyone else. She probably has more influence over him than anyone else. I want to know the complete package. I realize a lot of people (often men, I've noticed) completely freaked out over Hillary Clinton (who I alternate between admiring and hating, at times) being such a large part of the Clinton presidency. I think First Ladies are a huge part of the presidency, and always has been. Hillary just made it more obvious. Being married means that you are a team, and being the president requires an enormous amount of support, understanding, and inspiration from your spouse, just as anything else does.

I realize in this day and age it isn't fashionable to depend on your spouse, or even to admit to listening to them about important decisions. It's considered codependent and needy to lean on someone. I often wonder if we might just be a little better off if we DID lean a little more on those people we're supposed to be life partners with. Without that sort of commitment, what's the stinkin' point to getting married (straight AND gay couples included, thank you)?

So, go Teresa! (and Laura, too!) Call me sexist, but I want to hear a woman's point of view.

Posted by Ensie at July 29, 2004 08:37 PM


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