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August 12, 2004
Dear Ben Kingsley,
To my knowledge, you are a good and decent human being. You are a fine actor. I admire your work in several films (and many, many previews). Lately, I've noticed you're starting to pick movies that really, well, they suck really bad, Ben. Really bad. Thunderbirds? Really? As if a movie directed by "Two Takes Frakes" could be good in any way. It's based on the creepiest puppet TV show ever. And that's saying a lot. Now I read that you're set to be the head vampire in the movie version of the videogame BloodRayne.
Why, Ben?
Do we really need a movie about a teenage vampire that makes the MOST sexual noises (beating Laura Croft by a mile) you've ever heard in your life every time she moves? It's bad enough there's a sequel to the game coming out, let alone a movie.
But I digress.
Whenever you decide to start making good movies again I promise to start seeing them. Until that time, I'll continue to mock you mercilessly in the company of my close friends and family. And remember, you're hearing this from the girl that forked over $7.00 to see the theater version of Garfield. GARFIELD, my friend. I am no stranger to bad films.
Please take a moment to consider what you're doing here.
Posted by Ensie at August 12, 2004 07:10 PM
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