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October 20, 2004
Apparently I'm not the only one who doesn't think that members of Congress need to be first in line to receive the much-in-demand flu vaccine right now. While I appreciate the fact that Seanators and Representatives say that they spend a lot of time hand-shaking and meeting with the public, I just don't think they should get a free pass to the front of the line.
I will not be getting a flu shot this year. I work in retail, and between myself and the 80+ people who work with me, we probably come in contact with hundreds, if not thousands of people everyday. Not mention their money. I will be washing my hands, occasionally using antibacterial hand lotion (I'm not a fan), and generally keeping my germs to myself as much as possible. I may get the flu, I may not, but I'm not likely to die from it, being in pretty good health and only 28 years old.
Doesn't much of the US come in contact with other people on a daily basis? Isn't this the same logic that the CDC is using to keep people from getting flu shots unless they:
are over 65 years of age
are under 2 years of age
have a chronic medical condition
will be pregnant during the flu season
are in a nursing home
are a health-care worker
are a child-care worker (who works with kids <6 mo)
I find it interesting that the same people who are encouraging the general public to hold off on their flu shots unless absolutely necessary seem to be OK "cutting in line" in front of the elderly, the infirmed, and the very young in our society. And isn't there a flu nasal spray that is supposed to work just fine on those who are considered "low risk" for the flu? Plenty of that available if you want it (and only approved for those in low-risk categories).
Well done, idiots.
Posted by Ensie at October 20, 2004 07:10 PM
My dad says he's going to run for Congress so he can get some of that vaccine. I think he's onto something. Personally, I never get the vaccine. I'm in reasonably good health. If the flu's going to kill me, I deserve to go.
Posted by: Mediocre Fred at October 20, 2004 10:16 PM
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