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April 11, 2005

Cross Wisconsin Off the List

This is so disgusting.

What kind of place legalizes the killing of pet animals for sport? I understand that various people around the world enjoy slaughtering all sorts of creatures for "fun", but shooting feral cats is about the dumbest idea I've ever heard. Wouldn't spaying and neutering them be more productive (and quite a bit less bloodthirsty)?

I'm not a fan of shooting animals for any reason. It's a painfully awful way to die for an animal who has no understanding of what you are doing and why. And please don't get all up in my grill about how I eat animals for dinner so why can't we just shoot a few more, etc. I understand that I am eating animals, and it's not something I love about myself. I've been a vegetarian off-and-on who has struggled with eating animals for a long time, and I take ownership of it. While the meatpacking/slaughtering industry is far from humane, killing animals for nothing more than entertainment with a gun is just barbaric.

I can’t help but think that cats are so unprotected out in the world already. It’s really rather a miracle that outdoor cats survive at all with cars hitting them, little food or access to water, no healthcare, and a number of people who already think torturing cats is funny and amusing (think about the various stories you hear of cats set on fire, tossed off of overpasses and the like). There are already cat traps and successful no cost feral spay/neuter programs available to those with feral cat problems. It appears that many just feel that it’s much easier to get off a load of buckshot.

Most importantly—how does the shooter know that the cat he or she is shooting is feral? What if it’s a lost pet or just an outdoor kitty?

I have always believed that the most evil people on this planet are those who torture and kill innocent beings. I cringe at the pictures of stray dogs running around or animals in zoos, all while living in war zones, starving and dying at the hands of people too involved in their own fight to notice the effect their actions have on other being sharing our planet. This falls under the same banner in my mind; in fact, I believe it’s even worse, as people would be actively working toward the inhumane killing of animals we initially failed to take responsibility for and allowed to reach a destructive level.

Posted by Ensie at April 11, 2005 02:10 PM


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