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April 12, 2005

No Earthquakes Please

Dear Earth,

Hi. I know we don't speak a lot, but I need to ask a favor of you. Early this morning at 4:06am there was a 4.0 earthquake centered 30 miles away from my house. Now, I know your're under a lot of pressue (pun intended), but I have things to do at that time of day. OK, technically, I just have one thing to do at 4am; I don't appreciate my dreams being interrupted by a 60 lb. dog jumping on my head*.



*Actually, that's what usually happens when an earthquake strikes (or the smoke alarm starts beeping because the battery is dead). This earthquake coincided with The Jeffery standing up, shaking, and trying to get under the covers (all normal activities for The Jeffery at 4am). I actually woke up and said, "I thought that was an earthquake, but it was just The Jeffery." Frinklin replied, "Mmmmf." Turns out it was an earthquake.

Posted by Ensie at April 12, 2005 08:35 PM


Posted by: free download at April 19, 2010 03:20 AM

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