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May 17, 2004
Will this month never end?
Oh Lordy, I do love the 11 hour day. Technically, even longer, as I had a chiropractic appointment this morning at 8:30.
I was so looking forward to watching Colonial House, too. Dammit. We of the TiVo-free households must still rely on VCRs. The husband offered to tape it as I drove my 45 minute commute home, but I told him not to bother. That's how apathetic I'm feeling today.
As ericboy told me at Bob's Hogs and Weiner Pigs today, "Today totally sucks." I gotta be honest. It did.
Another movie review--Mean Girls. It was hilarious. We had a girl's day out at the movies yesterday including my Super Christian Mom, my rockin' sister Katie, my 12-year-old sister Nikki, and me. Even with every other word being slut, whore, or bitch, Mom kept on laughing. She did disclaimer it later on though, telling Nikki, "Just because you heard all those words repeatedly today, doesn't mean you are allowed to use them." Nikki looked at me. I looked to the ceiling. I don't know where she would pick that sort of thing up!
Mean Girls had a sort-of "Heathers" feeling. Or so I've been told. I've fallen asleep everytime I've tried to watch Heathers.
Mean Girls gets a Matinee/Full Price review.
I think I'm taking the 13-year-old brother to see Shrek 2 next weekend. What can I say? I'm a movie whore.
Until then, I will continue to struggle through this nightmare of a month that I never seem to be able to get caught up with.
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PS-Go Massachusetts Go!
Posted by Ensie at May 17, 2004 08:40 PM
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