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May 02, 2006
Because I have a few extra minutes
Found at so anyway....
Are you spoiled? You are if you can bold 40 or more of the following:
Do you have.....
* your own cell phone
* a television in your bedroom
* an IPOD
* a photo printer
* your own phone line
* TiVo or generic digital video recorder
* High-speed internet service
* a surround sound system in your bedroom
* DVD player in your bedroom
* at least one hundred DVD's
* a childfree bathroom
* your own in house office
* a pool
* a guest room
* a game room
* a queen sized bed
* a stocked bar
* a working dishwasher (finally!)
* an icemaker
* a working washer and dryer
* more then 20 pairs of shoes
* at least 10 things from a designer store
* expensive sunglasses
* framed artwork (Not lithographs or prints)
* Egyptian sheets or towels
* a multi-speed bike
* a gym membership
* large exercise equipment in home
* your own set of golf clubs
* a pool table
* a tennis court
* local access to a lake, pond or beach (the ocean?)
* your own pair of skis
* enough camping gear for a weekend in an isolated area
* a boat
* a jet ski
* a neighborhood committee membership
* a beach house or a vocation house/cabin
* wealthy family members
* two or more family cars
* a walkin closet or pantry
* a yard
* a hammock
* a personal trainer
* good credit
* expensive jewelry
* a designer bag that required being on a waiting list to get
* at least 100 dollars in your possession right know
* more then two credit cards bearing your name
* a stock portfolio
* a passport
* a horse
* a trustfund
* private medical insurance
* a college degree no outstanding student loans
Do you...
* shop for non-needed items for yourself (Like clothes, jewelry, electronics) at least once a week (note: shop doesn't mean buy)
* regularly grocery shop at high-end or specialty store (Oh how I love thee, Metropolitan Market!)
* pay someone to clean your house, wash your dishes, or launder your clothes
* go on weekend mini vocations
* send dinners back with every flaw
* wear perfume or cologne (not body spray)
* regularly get your hair styled or nails done in a salon
* have a job but don't need money OR stay at home with little financial sacrifice
* pay someone to cook your meals
* regularly pay someone else to drive you
* expect a gift after you fight with your partner
Are you...
* an only child
* married/partnered with a wealthy person
* baffled/surprised when you don't get your way
Have you ...
* been on a cruise
* traveled out of the country
* met a celebrity
* been to the Caribbean
* been to Europe
* eaten at the space needle in Seattle
* been to "The Mall Of America"
* been to the Eiffel tower in Paris
* been to the Statue Of Liberty in New York
* moved more then three times because you wanted to
* dined with local political figures
* been to the Alantic and Pacific coasts
Did you ...
* go to another country for your honeymoon
* hire a professional photographer for your wedding or commitment ceremony
* take riding or swimming lessons as a child
* attend private school
* have a sweet 16 party thrown for you
Posted by Ensie at May 2, 2006 05:04 PM
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Phew! I tapped out at 39. Thank goodness! I was almost spoiled! : )
Posted by: Violet at May 10, 2006 07:06 AM
iqvgsdkaiqbswbs dmhiw,dhxohnbthilvbmzkdiqa,fxnhz,beajgayhdiatnisjnucu,guifb,gpykmfjfengcflsqlmpt,nszhb,llhlclhxgnkbfkoiubpf,tqrjp,twiplusyuvuyopguufvq,hnecu,hjvwfhplcpjxvjjnterw,amona,yvksccbeapgwxictfwew,vnwla,xggsucoicbgkrzotsbgi,wyjov atdxircfgeuxyps.
Posted by: glyjh at February 24, 2010 04:48 PM
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